Stormwater Basics

No Dumping Drains to Creek

Stormwater is basically rainwater after it hits the ground.  Also called runoff, stormwater originates when rain and other precipitation runs off of rooftops, driveways, streets, parking lots, lawns and other impervious surfaces. During rain events, stormwater flows into the storm drain system and eventually finds its way into streams, rivers, lakes, wetlands and groundwater.

Storm Drain vs. Sewer System

Storm drain systems are NOT sewer collection systems. Sewer collection systems take all water used inside homes and businesses (from sinks, bathtubs, washing machines, toilets, etc.) and sends it to a wastewater treatment plant for treatment.

Storm drain systems, on the other hand, are designed to channel stormwater quickly to our waterways, assisting in preventing the flooding of our streets, homes and businesses. Stormwater that goes into our storm drains DOES NOT go to a wastewater treatment plant; instead draining directly into the nearest body of water with the potential of picking up pollutants along the way.  Stormwater that picks up pollutants can cause harm to fish, plants and other living things in our ecosystem.

Use the links below to learn even more about protecting our city's waterways:

Stormwater FAQs

No Pile Left Behind – Get the Scoop on Poop

Stormwater Tips: How To Do Your Part

Report a Spill, Illicit Discharge and Illegal Dumping

For questions regarding Kyle's Stormwater Program, contact:

Kathy Roecker
Stormwater Management Plan Administrator
(512) 618-8296