City Council Proclamation for Hunger Action Month

Tuesday, September 7, 2021
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Hunger Action Month Proclamation photo

WHEREAS, according to Feeding America, the pandemic has most impacted families that were already facing hunger or are one paycheck away from facing hunger; and

WHEREAS, households with children are more likely to experience food insecurity, and many of these households do not qualify for federal nutrition programs like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and visit their local food banks and other food programs for extra support; and

WHEREAS, Hays County Food Bank represents a county-wide effort to provide nutritious food to the food insecure in the greater Hays County area, made possible by the generous contributions of individuals, civic organizations, local government, and businesses; and

WHEREAS, in 2020, Hays County Food Bank and its partners served on average each week, 2,500 low-income individuals and those facing a food emergency, distributing more than 1 million pounds of food to these households in need; and

WHEREAS, 1/3 of all Hays County Food Bank clients in 2020 consisted of Kyle residents and an additional 23% of total partner nonprofits served were based in Kyle, including church and school food pantries; and

WHEREAS, a $25 donation can provide 100 meals through the buying power of the food bank; and

WHEREAS, National Hunger Action Month is a Feeding America effort to raise awareness about the hunger epidemic in the United States and to encourage individuals to take action in some form against hunger;

NOW, THEREFORE, we, the City Council of Kyle, by virtue of the authority vested in us in Kyle, Texas do hereby proclaim the Month of September 2021 as


in Kyle, Texas, and call upon the people of Kyle to pledge to take action against hunger in our community, whether it be by fund or food donation, volunteering, or advocacy.