Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement

ADA Statement

Libraries must not discriminate against individuals with disabilities and shall ensure that individuals with disabilities have equal access to library resources. To ensure such access, libraries may provide individuals with disabilities with services such as extended loan periods, waived late fines, extended reserve periods, library cards for proxies, books by mail, reference services by fax or email, home delivery service, remote access to the OPAC, remote electronic access to library resources, volunteer readers in the library, volunteer technology assistants in the library, American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter or real-time captioning at library programs, and radio reading services. Libraries should include persons with disabilities as participants in the planning, implementing, and evaluating of library services, programs, and facilities.


ADA Compliance:

The Kyle Public Library complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended (the “ADA”) and offers alternative reasonable compliance to meet its requirements. Please contact Colleen Tierney, Director of Library Services - for accommodation requests.